
"... from personal experience that when the people we love make choices, we don't always understand them. But we can go on loving them, just the same. It isn't a matter of comprehension. It's forgiveness."
Jodi Picoult - Vanishing Acts

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Had blood test few weeks ago as I wanted to have Hep. B Vaccination. Do you know that the Hep B antibody is declining over the years? Basically,we need booster every 5 years to maintain sufficient antibody for Hep B.

SO based on report, everything is ok. Although my thyroid level is lower compared to few years ago. Meaning, I need to boost it by drinking coffee and eating tonsss of chocolate!

Caffeine rocks!


sally said...

free pass to drink coffee and have chocs. aloha!!

uji said...

t4 level contributes to low metabolism - yikes, no wonder losing weight is sooo hard now.. so , chocolate keep em coming! heheheh

sally said...

good info. i didn't know that b4.thanks! hehe