
"... from personal experience that when the people we love make choices, we don't always understand them. But we can go on loving them, just the same. It isn't a matter of comprehension. It's forgiveness."
Jodi Picoult - Vanishing Acts

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Run for your life

I just got back from 2 hours of self-defense class. A colleague knew someone who teaches self-defense class(its f.o.c!), and he asked the girls at the office to join . This sifu is an architect who owns a wood house(not the kampung one, it's very spa-like instead) at the hill. When I first walked into his house, it really feels like in japanese era. There's even nunchaku hanging outside the house. The house has beautiful landscape, with water garden (with the waterfall sounds even). I like the bathroom, it's open air , seems very inviting and relaxing.

Back to self defense, today was just learning about the basics on what to do when someone grabs your arm, or someone chokes you. Some of them very simple techniques which are very useful for women. The fact is, men are born to think that they're the protector. Of course, I mean what guys wouldn't want to be the hero, right? And we women tend to think that we are protected, that prince in shining armor is gonna come and save us. But anything can happen, it's always good to have some idea on how to defend ourselves (Even as simple as having a pepper spray in your purse).

In the coming weeks, I will be taught on what to do when someone grabs you inappropriately, someone threat you with a knife(im so anxious about this one!), and other situations. Of course we're going to practice with plastic knife, not the real one. Still it's still seems scary.
After going months without regular cardio (shopping is still the best cardio), I'm feeling bit tired(but still at the same time refreshing, odd huh?). Hopefully the next few times will be better. I'm looking forward to learn some kicks and punches!!!


Anonymous said...

menariknya uji kickin ass. give em hell!

uji said...

i know... didn't know throwing some punches and kicks could be this fun!

Anonymous said...

menarik nya! rasa-rasa ada tak self-defense class macam tu yang FOC kat KL ni ek?
