
"... from personal experience that when the people we love make choices, we don't always understand them. But we can go on loving them, just the same. It isn't a matter of comprehension. It's forgiveness."
Jodi Picoult - Vanishing Acts

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Finally it's done! phewww.... I can finally sleep soundly from now on... Shhhhhh, I've been sleeping with mr thinkpad for few days. Now we can be safely separated and detached physically and psychologically.

I had been topping up my caffeine. Just today, I had 3 cups of coffee (normal is 1 cup) and I am still overcharged with caffeine high that kept me making a list while driving (do report, write documentation, go to damai, pick up stuff from papar home, pick up running shoes, resume running, buy organic soap and the list go on and on)... So here I am writing stuff, so that I can go to sleep in peace...

As I was saying before, I had been working late for few nights already, and sometimes I was alone in the department until late. I JUST realized that I'm actually penakut! Well, not to brag or anything, but I'm not easily-scared-kind-of-person and I love horror movie (but I found that the new-kind horror movies are more gruesome than suspense/horror). In previous workplace, I had no problem driving home past midnight alone. But at that time, I wasn't the last person to leave the office. There was always somebody left in the office, and I knew the security was there as well. But now... in my office I'm the last to leave and I've heard stories about creepy sounds here and there (creepy sounds: knocking sounds but nobody was around). Yesterday, while taking the elevator going down, I was reminded by that korea movie, hmmm, is it the eye? You know that story about this person who can see dead people and stuff. There was a part in the movie where she took the elevator and saw reflection of old lady(ghost) whose feet didn't reach the ground! Trust me, the elevator at my office takes foreeeeverr to go from one floor to another. As I was waiting, I somehow terimagine that movie, and sudahlah the elevator dooor was supeeeer shiny, I just hoped I didn't see ANY sort of reflections other than myself! So today, I took the stairs which took me half the time I spent in the elevator. So, that's how I know I'm at least itsy bitsy penakut... That's too bad, now I can't make fun of people who close their eyes while watching horror movies!

Tonight, I was supposed to go back early for some kenduri. Unfortunately (my mistake), I had to stayback to redo my (I thought) finished work. I thought the alphabet 'O' is a zero! Then at 4.30pm, I had to redo ALL the stuff which took 1.5 days to finish and I was supposed to finish it by midnight. But at 6pm I found a quicker way to re-do the work which took only 1 Hour! It's soooo true, with adrenaline pumping, somehow brain works in mysterious way.

I'm postponing my lens purchase. Justification: it doesn't take a fancy lens to take great photographs. Camera and lens are just tools. It takes skills and hmmmm a good eye(?) to capture great shots. So, until somebody giving me lens for free, I'll be with my standard lens.

Me and a friend were talking about the perfect hantaran months ago... We were discussing the what and what-not hantaran ideas. Don't you think now we can forget about traditional hantaran, and replace it with the new high-tech hantaran? Hehehehhe... I think my perfect hantaran would consist of practical gifts (with many many gadgets!) like blackberry/iphone, laptop, camera accessories, skincare products(the one that I actually wear like clinique), makeup (mac) and I wouldn't mind handbag and shoes. Heheheh.... Yea, women can only dreaaaammm......

Still don't think she's learning to be a madam tai-tai? here is her dragging the bag (no, it wasn't me who teach her to be materialistic.hehehehhhe)

I'm off to bed, until next time!

** I can't wait for fall tv - the long awaited heroes!


Anonymous said...

hai Uji... look i manage to leave a comment in your blog :)))) _barbara

uji said...

hi barb! finally u came to my blog... do keep on coming yea n keep in touch ;)