
"... from personal experience that when the people we love make choices, we don't always understand them. But we can go on loving them, just the same. It isn't a matter of comprehension. It's forgiveness."
Jodi Picoult - Vanishing Acts

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

WO 17052011

Today is public holiday ( yeaaaay!). So, instead of lazing around at the house, I spent my day being sort-of productive. Had family lunch outside and had a session with personal trainer @ the gym.

Today was weight training day. Basically doing few reps on weight machine. Reminded me the time at mueller center. I missed the time when i was able to run 5 miles on the treadmill without gasping for air and was able to do weight training without anybody's looking. The gym that I go now, basically the weight training area was fuuuull with guys after office hours. So, there's no way I'm going there except for weekends.

So, today I ended with sore body even though I'm doing kiddie weight (10lbs, whaaaattt??) .

I gotta catch up on my reading. But nowadays, I spent more time reading technical stuff at home. What a geek right? This is kinda the good thing and bad thing about working in technical world. The good thing is that u'll never be bored, cause the learning never stops and there's no way you can catch up on time (unless you're a genius), the bad thing is that the work doesn't stop at the office. It'll follow you everywhere...


rozanna- said...

Ya, I remember Mueller Center. Walaupun boleh kira dengan sebelah tangan la berapa kali I pergi sana dalam masa 4 tahun!! Ingat tak kita pegi gym lepas kelas music theory then terserempak lecturer tu kat gym jugak? Apa ntah nama dia....

uji said...

bestla dulu pegi gym after class. siap beli gatorade lagi after workout, iye iyelah macam real athlete. hehehehe.. i tak ingat dah the lecturers yang jumpa kat gym. but i remembered mmg ramai gak lecturer yang go to mueller (and surprisingly they were fit too!)