
"... from personal experience that when the people we love make choices, we don't always understand them. But we can go on loving them, just the same. It isn't a matter of comprehension. It's forgiveness."
Jodi Picoult - Vanishing Acts

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Today I had my first team meeting, it was okay, short and quick. Basically the manager just asked about everybody’s progress. So nothing much to talk about. She said, she trusts us as adults, and expects us to finish whatever given to us. Or maybe there is a hidden message behind it. “I expect you to finish your work, or do something work-related instead of blogging or visiting thesuperficial.com”.

Hehehehe.. that part i just make it up :D :D :D
Well, it’s practically lunch hour so I have free time now :D

Anyway, tomorrow will have a birthday party at home. Maybe we’ll be having strawberry yogurt cake. Sounds yummy-licous.

The gas price increased again, and just wait till other products price increase as well. This only means one thing, learn to spend within a budget (eekk)

Lately I’ve had anxiety attacks at work. Does it mean I’m allergic to this job? You think so? That’s what I thought too!!!

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