
"... from personal experience that when the people we love make choices, we don't always understand them. But we can go on loving them, just the same. It isn't a matter of comprehension. It's forgiveness."
Jodi Picoult - Vanishing Acts

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

be very afraid...

Yes. The picture sums me up, I am on the verge of pms, and nothing makes me happy! Except maybe for a paid shopping spree, a getaway, and also a room full with lindt chocolate that i can munch all day long. I feel bloated, nauseated (this is the correct term rather than nauseous), tired, and yes... I am wearing a cranky pants! For men, it's not just in our head!!! It's a real hormonal fluctuation (is it estrogen???) and women's sweet tooth is not helping with the sugar high and low cycle.

Progress on New Year's Resolutions goals

  • Jogging/Exercise (0 times, but i have my groceries shopping which I count as cardio+weight training)
  • Eat healthy (Mmmmm I guess I am eating healthy. Sort-of. Except for the time when I chocolate, cake and ice-cream binging)
  • Control temper (So far I've been nice on the road and less curse-y)
    • "One time I went to pay my parking ticket to this parking ticket attendant, those who stay in kk would know (dbkk with blue shirts). So, I had marked my ticket just a small tiny mark on the date that my ticket would due. When I gave her my ticket, she said to me "5 ringgit 27 sen.." I was surprised that she charged me extra 5 ringgit for a ticket that's not even due yet! I explained to her that the mark was just for me as a reminder when it was supposed to due. She kept saying oh, she couldn't accept it, either I pay her $5.27 OR pay at the parking counter which is like 10 minutes of walking (It was a SUPER-HOT afternoon). I almost lose my patience, and was gonna continue arguing, but I took a deep breath and left. Then, went into a stationery store, bought an eraser, erase the mark, and paid $0.27 for my parking ticket to another parking attendant. So, in the end, I didn't let something so-small bother me that day. Lesson is, you're angry not because of a situation, you're angry because of how you view a situation."

  • Financially wise
    • I have started using the money software Quicken. Not that it helps in my unnecessary spending, but it's wise to know where the money is going. (I've found out that I have obsession looking at cute little baby gap/baby gosh. Gasp!!!)
  • Karambunai getaway. I called the resort asking for a price quote. Yes, it is a bit pricey RM299 per night (Excluding govt tax) but it's SEA VIEW and check out the pretty pretty sand and the beautiful beach. Since it's been raining lately, I'll probably push this one to middle of the year when I can sunbath under the malaysia hot sun!
Have you taken steps towards your 2008 Resolutions/Goals? (I know lana has gotten to her pre-pregnancy weight so soon! What's your secret lana???)


iL4na said...

my secret?? hahaha tolonglah ujiezz u would not want to follow..i got sick basicly. muntah mcm aneroxic. but my appetite most of the time is good sbb I'm still BF-ing my baby so i do need LOTS of calories yEAHH!!!

suka babygap n gosh? me too!!!! geram kan tgk??

hmm unak pi karambunai n ngan sape ujiez?? hehe

Anonymous said...

Lana, I'm so jealous that u BF-ing (plus bonding with) little Seth and burning LOTSA calories. I miss our old gym days! Now I don't have gym buddies, hence the laziness. Heheheh... Btw, little Seth is soooo cute and chubby!!! Miracle eh, little Seth is growing chubbier by the day, and you're growing slimmier :)

iL4na said...

i transfer all the fats to him kot ?? hahaaha