1. The winner may put the logo on her blog.
2. Put a link to the person you got the award from.
3. Nominate 5 blogs.
4. Put links to the blogs.
5. Leave a message for your nominees.
Like baking+cake decorating! Picture is birthday cake for lyn's birthday mmmm ageeeess ago. The last time I baked mmmmm, was 2 years ago :( But not original baking-lah, back then I cheated and always get those betty crocker box and instant chocolate whipping cream. But, I grated the chocolate myself okaaaaaay... oooh, and strawberry fan made by con ;) i think I should stop by Merdeka Supermarket one of these days, and get myself some betty crocker...

I do take pictures at times...
And finally.... the art of shopping! Heheheh... Note my pretty red envirosax
So..... I nominate these people for creative-ness ;)
1. Whimsy (pretty ooo her roses collections!)
2. Jen
3. Sha (who takes beautiful shots)
4. Lana-chan
5. Jurra
Keep being artsy-fartsy yea!
hhahahah hello creative gal, wah this is the first time i kena nominate for "creative endevour"..hahhaha how do we do this?mau copy itu gambar award and put in blog ke or a winner will be announced among the 5 contestants?hahahah mcm Ratu Cantik punya pertandingan. If there is an award for Creative Writing, u surely will win MyThinkPad.
yea, copy the gambar award on your blog, then just pass the award to 5 blogs- feel free to put creative projects pics on your blog :) Lagi descriptive kan? Hehehhehe... Mmmm, can also if u got winner among your nominations. But if they don't win, nanti they don't want to pass the award pulak. Hehehehe...
aww ujiezzz tnx 4 d award. art of shopping is goodddd
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