
"... from personal experience that when the people we love make choices, we don't always understand them. But we can go on loving them, just the same. It isn't a matter of comprehension. It's forgiveness."
Jodi Picoult - Vanishing Acts

Monday, September 22, 2008


omg! my feet is killing me! Good news, I just got back from 1 round of warm up+7 rounds of walk/run+1 round of cool down. The bad news is I finished my 7 rounds in 65 minutes..... By the end of it, I saw many many many stars on the sky. And how am I supposed to run 3 times of that, I have no idea...

I received this email sent by borneotrekker who the last time I saw look pretty fit ;)


Hi Runners,

If you want to know how to mentally push through the later stages of your race, then this could be the most important message you will ever read:

As your body becomes tired and possibly fatigued towards the later stages of your race, then you may find that your mind becomes negative.

You will find that these negative thoughts leave you feeling even more tired and overwhelmed and your physical state will drop to even lower levels.

To over come this, allow your mind to dwell on positive events in your life. Times when you felt strong and unstoppable. Remember how you felt. The way you were breathing and how that felt in your body.

Allow these feelings to take over your way of being, until you are feeling these powerful feelings throughout your body.

The more you dwell on these positive and powerful events from your past, the quicker you will regain your composure and strength... particularly in the later stages of your race.

David Styles "

I'm gonna need plenty of extra positive ion in my mindset to overcome this.... I welcome anybody who wants to belanja me buka puasa, or gifts... Remember, you do want me to have positive events before my run right?

until next time...

fitness journal (including warm up/cool down)
*17/9 - 4km
*18/9 - 6km
*20/9 -2km
*22/9 -9km


Anonymous said...

i'm just accidentally to be fit bcoz i have to carry drinking water from my car to my apartment which is so on the top of the world...wahahahaha! thanks to the water supply which is super damn sucks at my place.

Anonymous said...

good luck on banging the km's, but keep in mind afternoon runs are totally different then morning runs, wanna come with me and ulai this sunday at sutera?
btw, welcome to a world of PAIN, 3 more weeks to go, 2 more weeks of training.