
"... from personal experience that when the people we love make choices, we don't always understand them. But we can go on loving them, just the same. It isn't a matter of comprehension. It's forgiveness."
Jodi Picoult - Vanishing Acts

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

i has bad (not!) day nao

Update: mood is better now after seeing beautiful flowers on the trees along Kepayan-Airport road. It looks like Spring and I bet if I close my eyes (I better not because I was driving!) I could've smelled the flowers blooming....

Read this beautiful story , oooohh i am sooo touched and humbled...

Do you have things you want to do IF ONLY I am this... and that... IF ONLY I have this... and that... IF ONLY I can this... and that... I pray I can break this barrier and be free... alas...


Eghk... eghk.. grumpy... cranky... grumpy... cranky...

I came in late to the office as I had to draaaag myself out of bed this morning. I'm having monday blues... wait, but it's not monday. I guess I'm having tuesday blues, or my everyday blues. I wish there's something to look forward to in the morning, something to motivate me to get up....

Remember in high school when you were excited to go to school every single day because there was that cute guy at the corner that you can (secretly) look at every day? Or college days, when you had to drag yourself for 8.00pm-10.00 lab because the cute TA would be there (ok this happened to me!). Or when you wake up early for 8.00am Calculus class just to look at the professor's greeeeniest eye.

Let me leave you all with this picture. I'm not a fan of cats/dogs/or any pets, but I found this very cute!

Humorous Pictures
there... its all good nao

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