
"... from personal experience that when the people we love make choices, we don't always understand them. But we can go on loving them, just the same. It isn't a matter of comprehension. It's forgiveness."
Jodi Picoult - Vanishing Acts

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Money, can we ever have enough?

Me and my friend were talking the other day about how expenses nowadays have become quite high, mind you we are both single and do have any dependents. Then the topic went to how our mummies and daddies could save a lot during their days. Imagine those middle-class parents who are able to save for 5-7 children education fund, pay house loan, pay car loan, and support the whole family. We discussed how young people nowadays are difficult to save maybe because of peer pressure of wanting branded and expensive things.

Lana mentioned in her blog how young people need to think about investment and savings which include unit trust, ASB, ASW, and insurance. I read in one financial blog which mentions in order to gain financial freedom, we have to save 50% of our savings. That’s quite a big amount!

With all the impending payment, we could end up having no entertainment or fun money. Because of this, I’ve finally decided to join the big phenomenon of blogging for money. I know it’s a bit late than the others who have been earning a lot from blog advertising, but it’s better late than never right?

With so many blog advertising to choose from, I decided to choose Smorty that connects the advertisers to bloggers. All I have to do is write opinions about certain advertisers, and I can be paid just by blogging about it!

Oh I need the extra money anyway ;) So if you need it too, join me to blog for money yea?

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