
"... from personal experience that when the people we love make choices, we don't always understand them. But we can go on loving them, just the same. It isn't a matter of comprehension. It's forgiveness."
Jodi Picoult - Vanishing Acts

Friday, March 07, 2008

Tech - Project 2008

I have listed few personal tech ("geeky") projects for year 2008

  1. Back up all digital photos to DVDs
    I have more than 10 GB of pictures in my external hard disk and laptop, mostly taken during during college. Most of them courtesy from unofficial photography Sha who takes beautiful beautiful pictures. When I grow up, I want to be like you Sha! Hehehehhe....
  2. Burn my TV Shows to DVDs
    Hours spent collecting my tv shows, sayangnya want to delete all of them. Temporarily they are in my 250GB hard disk which I've owned for 4 years. For tech people out there, is it possible that my HD will go konk in the future?
  3. Compile & Bind a family recipe book
    I want to compile family recipes(basically all mom's recipe), take pictures of food, print the recipes out, and bind them. This is especially important for undomestic goddess like me.
I think I could get goal (1) and goal (2) done before middle of the year, and goal (3) is an outgoing project.

Mind sharing what is your tech-project 2008?

Info: Do you why chili-cravers want to go for even hotter-hottest chili? There's a physiological explanation to this. When eating hot(spicy) food, our body releases endorphin (feel-good-hormones) to counter the pain brought by the chili. So in other words, we get mild-euphoria just from eating chili. So chili up everybody...
-Info from RD March 2008

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